Los 1971
Andrade Leitão, Discurso politico

15.11.2017 Sitzungsbeginn 15:45 Uhr
Brasilien. - Andrade Leitão, F. de. Discurso politico sobre o se aver de largar a Coroa de Portugal, Angola, S. Thome, & Maranhão, exclamado aos Altos, & Poderosos Estados de Olanda. Lissabon, A. Alvarez, 1642. 4to (20,5:15 cm). Mit Wappenholzschnitt auf dem Titel. 6 Bll. Mod. Pp. mit goldgepr. Deckelschild.
Sabin 39940; Alden-L. 642/4; Borba de M. 464; Innocencio II, 334 ("raro e estimado"); Rodrigues, Domínio Holandês 618. - Erste portugiesische Ausgabe, im gleichen Jahr wie die lateinische Originalausgabe ("Copia primae allegationis...") erschienen und ebenso selten. "In this rare work Andrade Leitão protests against the activities of Admiral Cornelius Corneliszon Jol and the Dutch conquests, despite the ten year peace between Holland and Portugal" (BdM). - Gering wasserrandig.
First edition in Portuguese, as rare as the Latin original (printed in The Hague, also in 1642). - Some light damp staining. A fine copy, bound in modern marbled boards, with leather label on upper board.