Auktion 198-199

Los 926
Dameth, Le juste et l'utile





05.05.2020 / Los 901-1129 / 17.15 - ca. 18.30 Uhr

Dameth, H. Le juste et l'utile, ou rapports de l'economie politique avec la morale. Paris u. Genf, Guillaumin & Cherbuliez, 1859. (22:14 cm). XVII, 585 S. Hldr. d. Zt.

Palgrave I, 479. - Erste Ausgabe. "He was in early life a devoted follower of Fourier but became, through conscientious study, one of the most ardent popularisers of economic science. Becoming  convinced of the soundness of economic theory he shook himself clear of the doctrines of Fourier, and published: 'Le juste et l'utile...'" (P.). - Vortitel mit eigenhändiger Widmung des Autors an Laurent Pichat (Léon Laurent-Pichat).

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