General Information for Buyers
You participate at the auction as bidder personally in the auction room, by submitting written absentee bids, using our live bidding platform or by phone. You can send written order bids directly from our web catalogue or download a bidding form which you can send to us by fax.
Submitting absentee bids through the web catalogue and setting up user account
Here you will find a guidance how to place bids through our web catalogue and set up user account. Please make sure to submit your bids in time as they need to be processed by our staff.
Live bidding online
“live bidding” enables you to bid directly from our website and participate at the auction when a personal visit or written bids are not possible. Click to live bidding startpage, where you can register and find explanations.
Telephone bidding
From a limit of 2,000 € for a single lot and after registration, bidding by phone is possible. We recommend to leave a security bid.
Direct Purchase
We have extensive contacts to sellers of valuable selected single items. If you are looking for a book or a graphics image from our special areas, please feel free to contact us. Visitors are welcome but as we do not have a shop, kindly arrange with us for an appointment.
If you buy from us, you will have the certainty to acquire a piece of work which has been carefully tested and described. If by chance something should be wrong after all, we will always try our best to find a solution which is satisfying for everybody.