Lot 2138
Salzmann, Jerusalem. Text + Tafeln in Kassette
Auction schedule:
15th Nov. 2017 session starting 4:45 p.m.
Jerusalem. - Salzmann, A. Jerusalem. Étude et reproduction photographique des monuments de la ville sainte depuis l'époque judaique jusqu'a nos jours. Textbd. u. Tafeln. Paris, Gide & J. Baudry, (1855-)1856. Fol. (45:32, Tafeln ca. 44:31 cm). Mit 3 (2 gest., 1 farbig gedruckten) Tafeln, einigen Textholzst. sowie 40 mont. Salzpapierabzügen. 2 Bll., 92 S.; 3 Bll. Kart. mit aufgezogenem Or.-Lieferungsumschlag (etwas fleckig u. angestaubt) u. ungebundener Tafelbd. zus. in Or.-Hldr.-Kassette.
Rare and magnificent work, edition with 40 mounted salted paper prints in a smaller size by the famous Blanquart-Evrard. - Some foxing to text and plates (affecting only a few salt prints), waterstaining to both title leaves and list of plates. Small tear and large inscription in ink to 1st title, large rep. tear to 2nd one (with margin added at left), and small rep. tear to list of plates and 2nd half-title. Text bound with original wrappers mounted and loose plates in original half-calf box.
Tobler 181f.; Röhricht 440f.; Perez, Focus East 215f.; Baier, Gesch. d. Fotografie 452f.; Gernsheim, Hist. of Photography 186; Witkin-L., Photograph Collector's guide 86f. - Kleine Ausgabe des seltenen Prachtwerks mit 40 Salzpapierabzügen (15-18:21,5-23 cm, tlw. auch im Hochformat) von Blanquart-Evrard in Lille, "a pioneer of photographic publishing" (W.-L.). Auguste Salzmann (1824-1872) "trained as a painter and amateur archeologist visited the Holy Land twice, in 1854 and in 1863, each time spending several months. During the first trip he concentrated solely on the ancient architecture of Jerusalem ... His photographs ... were meant to reinforce and prove theses of an historic and archaeological nature. Still they are also very romantic, intimate and personal. He fully expressed the spirit of Jerusalem and the Holy Land in his images. His compositions are often very daring and of unprecedented modernism for the period. He seemed decades ahead of his time" (Perez). "Der Text verdient gelesen zu werden ... auch die kleine ausgabe ... ist immer noch theuer genug" (T.). - Text, Unterlegbll. u. wenige der Salzpapierabzüge etwas stock-, beide Titelbll. u. das Tafelverz. auch wasserfleckig. Der Titel des Textbandes mit kl. Querriss u. gr. hs. Notiz in brauner Tinte, der zu den Tafeln mit langem hinterlegtem Randein- u. ergänztem -ausriss, das Tafelverz. u. der Vortitel mit je 1 kl. rep. Randeinriss.